27 by 27

I want to accomplish these 27 things before I turn 27 in October, 2011. This is my mini 101 in 1001 list.

  1. Clean out the garage and sell everything I don't need.
  2. Get to my initial goal weight (145lbs).
  3. Pay off my credit card bill.
  4. Either get a job that pays an appropriate amount for my degree or run away overseas.
  5. Apply to the State Department.
  6. Go to at least two shows on Avalon.
  7. Show Pete.
  8. Go foxhunting.
  9. Be able to run 3 miles straight.
  10. Own at least one work outfit that makes me feel like a million bucks.
  11. Get a Brazilian Blowout just to see what straight hair is like.
  12. Ride Avalon on the beach.
  13. Pass the bar!
  14. Go camping.
  15. Get a pole.
  16. Grill fish from the Barbeque Bible Cookbook.
  17. Successfully cook peking duck.
  18. Cosplay for the boy.
  19. Make a candlelight dinner for the boy.
  20. Finish the stupid headboard.
  21. Start taking bellydance classes.
  22. Take a watercolor class.
  23. Memorize 800 kanji
  24. Go geocaching.
  25. Sign up for the JLPT.
  26. Save 10% of my income.
  27. Get a trailer so I can go to those shows!
Gave up
In Progress