I want to accomplish these 27 things before I turn 27 in October, 2011. This is my mini 101 in 1001 list.
- Clean out the garage and sell everything I don't need.
- Get to my initial goal weight (145lbs).
- Pay off my credit card bill.
Either get a job that pays an appropriate amount for my degree or run away overseas.- Apply to the State Department.
- Go to at least two shows on Avalon.
- Show Pete.
- Go foxhunting.
- Be able to run 3 miles straight.
Own at least one work outfit that makes me feel like a million bucks.Get a Brazilian Blowout just to see what straight hair is like.- Ride Avalon on the beach.
Pass the bar!- Go camping.
- Get a pole.
Grill fish from the Barbeque Bible Cookbook.Successfully cook peking duck.- Cosplay for the boy.
- Make a candlelight dinner for the boy.
- Finish the stupid headboard.
- Start taking bellydance classes.
- Take a watercolor class.
- Memorize 800 kanji
- Go geocaching.
- Sign up for the JLPT.
- Save 10% of my income.
- Get a trailer so I can go to those shows!
Gave up
In Progress